Mut by Söhne Mannheims: Review

Söhne Mannheims, a veteran of Deutschpop, is proved to be restless by their timely optimistic singe, Mut. In all its entirety, the track is in German, but their spirit is indeed international. Söhne Mannheims leverages a tried and true songwriting formula, which includes a catchy melody, stable vocals, an optimistic message and an electrifying arrangement. The track is mid-tempo, rushed by kick drums and 80s-inspired synth waves, super in vogue in this era. The German language itself in the track is harmonized beautifully, and the pre-chorus is appropriately used to build up the explosive chorus. Being in the biz for 27 years, after a long hiatus struck by the pandemic, Mut feels like an optimistic track for everyone so we can brace ourselves for a new journey.
Quotable lyrics:
“Auch wenn die Welt
Sich nicht mehr dreht (Even if the world
no longer turns)
Alles wird gut (Everything will be fine)
Wir werden diesen Sturm uberstehen (We will weather this storm)
Und wir schenken uns Mut (And we give each other courage)
Damit wir neimals die Hoffnung verliern (So that we never lose hope)
Alles wird gut (Everything will be fine)
The track is a love-child of the band’s distinct viewpoint of the world, trimming the grimness and adding up courage, and hope. That is exactly what the world needs right now, and Söhne Mannheims totally delivered.

Photo credits: Alexander Münch
Review by: Maxime Cronenberg