Infiniti Drive by Autoleisureland: Album Review

“Infiniti Drive” is a love letter to the 1980s through catchy synth melodies and smooth pop-vocal layers. It’s a fantastic album created by audio visionaries Autoleisureland, who make sensational music paying homage to that classic era.
Autoleisureland begins with a self-titled track and invites us along for the ride. It’s a captivating road full of silky guitar and bass destinations. But conducting this thrilling ride is a charismatic singer, full of life and charm. Next up, we are energized with a thumping electro-bass sequence and dance to the exciting number “Fade Out.” It feels like walking into the college party of the year set in 1983, and it’s all the cool kids are talking about. The rhythm is such a vibe and makes you want to dance and groove out endlessly. “On The Record” generates a minimal funk vibe through its usage of guitar strumming and disco-style synths. Later on, we take a deep dive into the summer ocean paradise that is “And God Created Neon.” It’s a beautiful synthwave track filled with vacation vibes, and a lovely narrative building up your excitement about beach parties and midnight road trips with the boys.
“Another Star Is Falling” is what LoFi would sound like if it came out before the year 2000. A lovely combination of low bass notes, and intimate synthesizers created the genre’s persona, and it’s tough to ignore its catchy allure. The ending song “Infiniti Drive” is the best of the album, particularly its disco basslines and vibrant cadence.

Review by: Damien Reid