Andie Deal released groovy new song ‘Feel It Out’

Andie Deal, a producer and electronica artist, debuts her eerie single, ‘Feel It Out’. With the single, Andie continues to develop her gorgeously tense DIY electronica, which will win over fans of experimental industrial music. The song is accompanied by a charmingly eerie music video that hankers back to old silent movies.
She thought it was a wonderful representation of humanity’s contemporary struggle with itself when the song ‘Feel It Out’ started when a sound resembling restricted electronic breathing emerged while playing around. Andie wanted to contrast this hard, cold struggle as the song developed, so a sound that she associated with butterfly fluttering emerged. She is attempting to explore the current state of humanity, where we are both restricting ourselves in numerous ways and yearning to play, explore, and have fun on this wonderful planet. We’re working through it all to understand who we are, why we’re here, and how to move past our traumas. We are living in a beautiful cacophony, but the majority of us are suffering and are primarily concerned with trying to stop bad things from happening.
Although I’m not sure why, that’s where we are right now. Of course, robots present their own set of complications.
Check out her new song here!