Axus Bliss release powerful metal album “Live Once Die Twice”

Axus Bliss is a top-notch metal band that delivers an aggressive melodic drive with diverse rhythm sections. Their album entitled “Live Once Die Twice,” features a combination of thrash and traditional heavy metal. Packaged as a whole, the record has a remarkable amount of resonance with any heavy metal enthusiast. “Live Once Die Twice” was released on the 30th of October, 2021, and it has seven mighty tracks, each of which features a distinct layer of gripping vocals and fierce instrumentation.
This dynamic metal band is led by Carlton Kelly, who rocks the vocals, Steven Lewis, directing the guitars, John Lewis, with thunderous drumming, and Daniel Parham, grooving out on the bass guitar. When the band was asked who their primary musical influences were, they commented by saying that they were deeply moved by rock and metal from the 1980s, a little bit of Black Sabbath’s music from the 1970s, and a modern-day evolution of the aforementioned musical styles.
The sound of Axus Bliss is a stimulating mix of classic metal with a modern-day appeal. Hearing tracks like “As We Row The Waves Of Destruction” (a killer title by the way) and “Cartel Love Affair” pay homage to a contemporary branch of metal known as “Doom Metal.” As epic as that name goes, Axus Bliss’ take on it was equally formidable. With the addition of grunge guitar bits, accompanying a crunchy distortion tone, and high-pitched vocals, each track of the album brought along a thrilling impression.

Photo credits: Axus Bliss
Review by: Damien Reid