Christine Valença released catchy new song ‘VIA LÁCTEA’

Wagner Cafe, a singer, is a special guest in Christine’s debut performance. They had been considering a partnership for some time and this essay by Liniker, Céu, and Anelis ssumption provided the perfect opportunity. The two voices’ differing timbres were combined to give ‘Milky Way’ sinuosity and a fresh perspective. Shecompare this music to a lit flame that, if you stare at it for more than a minute, will draw you into its vastness. According to the singer, “In our rendition, we wanted to add new elements that could give this beautiful song different nuances.” Christine Valença and Wagner Café were joined by Luiz Lopez (guitar and backing vocals), Carol Dias (drums and backing vocals), and Pedro Dias (guitar, bass, and backing vocals), who also served as producer, during the recording sessions at Cia dos Técnicos Studios (Rio de Janeiro). Joo Damaceno and Bruno Giorgi handled the mixing and mastering, respectively.
Tamac Hit and Isla Gastin were the directors of the song’s music video. Filming was done in Belo Horizonte’s Parque das Mangabeiras, which is at the base of the Serra do Curral (MG). However, those who view the video and reflect on the lovely and serene surroundings can only imagine the hardships the performers and the production team faced while making the recordings.
Check out her new song here!