Country music is known for its ride-or-die masculinity, and surplus pride mingled with the eternal summer heat. But for Podge Lane, he’s just running in place, burning up in the hot evening sun. He certainly didn’t glorify the sun in this verse from his song, “I Can See You In My Dreams,” which is rather uncanny for country musicians not to do. But that is all his new album, “Common Country Misconceptions,” released on the 10th of March in 2023, is all about.
The first track on Common Country Misconceptions, ‘Welcome to Paradise,’ is a short but chirpy folk instrumental combining the acoustic guitar with piano, banjo, and other string instruments creating a vivid musical sonority evoking imagery of bliss.
In the last track, we find Podge Lane challenging the “happily ever after” trope often found in country music with his lines: Sailing the seasonal boat/ Trying to keep it afloat/ I wanna be there with you. In these lines, he poignantly expresses how relationships need constant contrivance to make it out to the end. And this is just one among the many Common Country Misconceptions that Podge sings about in his ingenious album.
It’s refreshing to see something more humanizing in the country folk. Hot Press has shown Lane and his album much alacrity among other big names like American Songwriter Magazine, GoldenPlec, and IMRO. Hot Press compliments, ‘it essentially flips the silent country masculine singer trope and turns it on its head.’

Review by: Naomi Joan