cry wolf by glashus: Review

The melodic spirit of Swedish pop-duo glashus is truly astounding. Their charming number “cry wolf” accompanies soothing harmonies, lively songwriting, and a resonant electronica sequence. From the wholesome vocal segments to the buttery synths, “cry wolf” is an upbeat piece that strikes the perfect balance between electro-pop and anthemic indie tunes.
Elegant rhythm sections have always been a safe corner to exist whenever the hustle and bustle of city life feel overwhelming. Substantially so, the minimalistic and soothing aura of glashus’ track fits the scene with ease. Due to the Swedish duo’s combination of using minimal but significant instrumental bits, the overall sound stood strong. As soon as the singer enters the track, elements of grace roll in. The artists’ flair and command are tied within the vocal layers. Aside from that, a genuine amount of storytelling is present, making hearing the song all the more worthwhile. Grabbing ahold of the audience with further instrumental sections elevated cry wolf’s essence. The Swedish duo’s synergy feels incredibly natural with electro-bass and beats dawning into the mix.
Glashus’ “cry wolf” has anthemic indie written all over it. The vocal harmonies’ energy combined with epic beats portrayed the potential of large audiences singing along. There’s something gratifying about big stadiums lighting up to a song and being in tune with an act. I do hope the same for glashus’ future in the pop music biz!

Photo credits: Lucas Bergqvist
Review by: Damien Reid