David Raybuck released mesmerizing song ‘The Pathway’

David Raybuck’s transformation from a self-obsessed want to be rock star to a man of faith on a mission to help people encounter their Creator through music is depicted in the song ‘The Pathway’. Without alienating those with more eclectic tastes who might ultimately find more satisfaction in the other more nuanced album tracks, the album’s most mainstream appeal comes from its pared-down simplicity.
Ironically, ‘The Pathway’ nearly didn’t appear on the record. It’s the most “normal” song on the album, and he felt like it lacks some of the musical edge that my other songs have. But after The Prodigal was released, it quickly became a fan favorite, and every time he heard it, the more he liked it.
David Raybuck is preparing to release numerous albums in the future as a brand-newcomer to the independent music scene by drawing on fresh inspiration and two decades’ worth of unfinished material. He is thrilled to spread music that delivers a message of hope that can change lives to many more ears because there is far too much darkness in the world.
Check out his new song here!