“Drums Of War,” released on April 28th, 2023, showcases Bravo Bonez, aka LearningToDive’s profound, cynical, and complex themes behind wars, calling for men to fight for their land. But what are they fighting for? The land or men in ties craving more power and pride?
Bravo demonstrates the aftermath of the war with the damage and ruins left in large cities. The layers of drums in the song create an intense atmosphere, conveying a sense of the destruction that’s already been done and the toiling frustrations of the ruined dreams and lives of the population left in the dust. With immersive instrumentals with accentuated horns and choir reverberating like the dusty wind in dilapidated streets over deep drums, the music finds its own cinematic setting balanced with the leftover silence and the intense agony in its soundscape. The pianos implement a rueful, ruminating tone to the tragedy, with the trip-hop adding an unnerving edge to the silence.
The hollow and wallowing effect he creates with the atmospheric instrumental gives way to a calming and silencing, then thought-provoking and slowly awakening to a cognizance vibe. To be able to produce so much in a slow-paced, prolix song testifies to the talent of Bravo Bonez as a writer and producer.
“Drums of War” by LearningToDive was released on the PureSound label, recorded at PureSound Studios in New Zealand, and mastered by Ryan Smith at Sterling Sound in Nashville, USA.
Review By: Naomi Joan