Enjoy The Ride by Jade Moede: Review

“Enjoy The Ride” is an energetic hymn brought to us by ecstatic artist Jade Moede. The song pertains to the folk genre mostly, with subtle hints of acoustic rock here and there. An exuberant singer forms the melody’s essence all the while hard-hitting chords keep us entranced. With that being said folks, are you up for an upbeat tune to keep your spirits up?
Upon hearing “Enjoy The Ride” by Jade Moede, I immediately got vibes of early Bob Dylan music from the 1960s. Jade Moede’s melodic outfit reminded me of Dylan’s folksy aura, especially when his popularity skyrocketed. It brings to mind the veteran artist’s subtle acoustic guitar, poetic voice, and his influential harmonica attachment. Altogether, “Enjoy The Ride” is a fitting tribute to the folk genre, particularly its vintage appeal. Aside from that, the vocal facets of the track are immensely praiseworthy. This is what true heartfelt singing sounds like, as evident from the gravelly voice and expressive tone.
The music biz has been experiencing a genre trend as of late. It feels like folktales and songs with a universal message are appealing more and more. It’s primarily due to the genre’s relatability and mellow approach, allowing listeners to be more in tune with the melody. This clarity comes in a delightful format with “Enjoy The Ride” by Jade Moede. The artist’s musical style, accompanying unique harmonies, and resonant guitar sequences were stellar, and it’s a tune that deserves recognition.

Review by: Damien Reid