Are you stuck in a cycle again? Itโs time to get lost in LIBERATIโs song to truly find out whatโs up. LIBERATI garnered enough love with 10.9 million views and 1.1 million followers. But now heโs back for more with Rebecca Bruner, his acclaimed musical soulmate. On January 10th, 2023, we saw the culmination of this incredible soulful duet that got us immediately hooked.
In Find Out, LIBERATI sounded promising with his signature dreamy synth sounds, accompanied by an acoustic guitar complementing the fusion of sounds. Listeners admitted this aided in the ambiance of losing yourself in the nubilous outburst of emotions as though you were lost.
LIBERATIโs voice peeked with the pre-chorus with an emotionally sincere tone: Lost and down a dark room/ Praying for a Miracle/ Never thought I would be here again/ Picking up the pieces.
Many of us know heartbreak as a cycle of no endings. LIBERATO brought us back with a light at the end of the tunnel that he never thought he would find, but he did.
Rebeccaโs dynamic deep voice brought up another spectrum of being broken-hearted with the way one feels something new was a work of fate, as though the stars are aligned when they are approached when they least expected it.
As LIBERATO fixates on self-discovery with discovering a new love signifying endless hope, Find Out ends with the music hanging in the air, slowly spreading out after the cymbals are released. If you are someone hung up on the past, you need to give Find Out a listen.

Review by: Naomi Joan