Folie á Deux by Never Bothered to Bloom: Review

A husband and wife duo have released their debut single named “Folie á Deux.” They go by the name “Never Bothered To Bloom.” Their influences are Alice Glass, Au/ra, Purity Ring, and many more. They recorded the song in Land O’Lakes, FL. The band follows the genre of Ambient electro-pop. The song is about the experience of wanting to pursue something but not feeling like you’re making any progress toward achieving that something, no matter how hard you are trying.
The track begins by setting the tone for the entire song, with a synth track laid down for the main course. Then the song goes into full throttle and enters the beautiful vocals. The vocals feel like it was meant for this track through and through. The guitar fillers in between the composition are clever and intense, and the simple bass line covers the whole track like a blanket to keep it warm. The electronic drum beats are pretty interesting too; the fading away of the music and starting again all through the composition gives the track its life.
Mixing the alternative and electronic genres in this track gives it a different vibe- a dreamy, ethereal, and peaceful feel. The vocal work in it was brilliant too, because the vocal goes hand in hand with the track, and the instrumental parts are very well arranged for this track. All in all, it is a very well-composed song, and I would like to listen to more from “Never Bothered To Bloom.”

Photo credits: adamseitz_photography
Review by: Stevie Waters