Friend by Ye Angst: Review

Ye Angst’s single ‘Friend’ is a melancholic soundtrack that takes the listener on a reflective trip through the complexities of human connection as they listen to the song’s smooth storyline and melody. The narrative is told memorably, and its themes—respect and devotion, standing steady, carving out one’s path, and lives that interconnect despite their differences—resonate with audiences today.
‘Friend’ depicts a protagonist who, in a relationship with little room for maneuvering, struggles to strike a healthy middle ground. This introspective tune was performed by an Australian alt-folk musician employing male vocals and a relaxing accompaniment of finger-picked guitar, a little percussion, and faint backup voices. The composition is peaceful and introspective, leaving room for listeners to form their own conclusions about the meanings of its themes of friendship, devotion, and personal perseverance. The composer did a great job of keeping things calm while still conveying emotion via the music. The song ends on a peaceful note, helped along by the vocal that plays during the whole encore. That sweet, dreamy vocal paired with that perfect guitar just takes you somewhere serene.
The soundtrack, ‘Friend,’ is a heartfelt and honest look at a friendship that has endured. Although it has a sad tone and subject matter, this song is uplifting since it has instrumentals and words that encourage the listener to persevere through difficult times. A magnificent audio experience that transcends time and genre to instruct and inspire, ‘Friend’ is a must-listen.

Photo credits: Stephen Andrews
Review by: Paul Woodman