Geoff Gibbons Releases Latest track “Execution Man”

“Execution Man” by Geoff Gibbons, an Americana songwriter and recording artist from Vancouver, evokes a ghostly Western Noir atmosphere. According to Gibbons, the theme is a reflection on self-actualization. “Because our lives are filled with so many obstacles — physical, emotional, personal, and psychic — so much of our identities are based on lies. The warrior within us must confront and eradicate these falsehoods. To discover one’s true self, “Execution Man” recommends that the death of the false self is required.”, he says.
Gibbons initially produced the song in the studio with a full band, but he later reduced it to its essence by playing guitars, keyboards, and programmed drums. Darryl Havers was asked to add Hammond B3 and Wurlitzer to the track, Rob Becker added bass, and John Ellis contributed a slide guitar line. The soulful gospel backing vocals were provided by Mr. Maph, a British singer who currently resides in Spain.
“Execution Man” is the most recent single by Geoff Gibbons, who performs as a solo artist and as a member of the Canadian roots/Americana supergroup New Yank Yorkies. As the founder of Blue Café Music and Video, he is a skilled music producer, video creator, and film composer whose music has been featured in television dramas and animated programs. A handful of performances with the band and a regular spot at Carderos in Vancouver keep him in touch with live audiences.
The song is a classic Americana country-pop fusion consisting of ballads and honky-tonk dance tunes in a very accessible form. Starting with string instrumentals, electric, and acoustic guitars, and banjos, the tune drifts down in an elusive groove. Moving on with the song, the tune shifts to pave the way for a remarkable guitar solo highlighting his musicianship.

Photo credits: Ken Stewart
Written by: Peyton Davis