Hole by gldn: Review

Hole by gldn is a captivating tune with vast potential. The artist in the spotlight mixes avant-garde with the intensity of metal to create an intriguing melody. “Hole” is one such song that brings to mind veterans of the industrial metal scene such as Marilyn Manson, and perhaps even a bit of Slipknot. All in all, gldn’s musical essence is a mix of experimentation accompanied by a vivid expression of the self.
The instrumental layers of Hole by gldn are gripping and mysterious at the same time. It’s like hearing a plot thickening in the middle of a film, and when it reaches its climax a valiant scream and teeth-clenching guitars make the audience’s jaw drop. Such is the tale in Hole’s composition. It’s darkness personified, and a part of someone’s soul coming into life through metal guitars and deep drumming segments. The second half of the song had a fine twist. Bringing into the atmosphere a slow piano portion and heartfelt singing transformed the song from industrial metal into something a bit more mellow. The outcome was quite polished and oozed a laid-back vibe. Aside from that, the vocal aspects of the entire song had a nice combination of screamo and ambient.
Metal is such a diverse genre where creativity feels almost limitless. Nowadays with contemporary variations such as Djent coming to fruition, it feels like the genre is facing an ascension of sorts. Similarly, Industrial Metal is making a comeback and artists such as gldn are a true testament to that regard.

Photo credits: Kevin Marambio
Review by: Damien Reid