I Can’t Think by Baaj & Baaj: Review

The music of Baaj & Baaj is a splendid blend of vintage brit pop and electronica. Their song “I Can’t Think” is a stunning track with vocals as sultry as George Michael, and atmospheric synths tagging along. A dark and moody aura is present in this tune, especially the bass arrangements. It has a deep tone where the singer’s flow is captured perfectly.
“I Can’t Think” brings passion to the forefront with its melodic tension. It’s tough to ignore its allure, especially when the song is in full drive. We’ll get to that in a bit. Firstly, Baaj & Baaj maintained a mysterious and almost hazy persona of the song. It paints a picture of the vocalist emerging from a large cloud of mist, while a vintage black-and-white filter is in effect. This is especially so when light piano fillers grace the scene, and the bass’ weight can be felt. Coming back to the drive of “I Can’t Think”, well there are specific parts of the track where its tempo goes all out. The tune has mellow verses, while the chorus follows a more upbeat pattern. Altogether it’s a pleasant combination that enables hearing the song on repeat.
Music creates a pathway for the past and future to co-exist. In that regard, it was quite lovely to hear the vintage pop outfit of Baaj & Baaj’s steamy single. If you’re an avid fan of the brit-pop scene of the 1980s, or any music from that era, this track might just be up your alley!

Photo credits: Albane-photographe.com
Review by: Damien Reid