I Don’t Trust You Yet by Hariz: Review

Imagine waking up one morning and contemplating that all that you lived so far was a lie! A lie that you have no control over. Coming from that angle, the song depicts the dilemma of trusting someone you truly poured your heart out to. Hariz sings the depth of emotions that lead him to betrayal. At times, he wanted to hold it back together but the fear of getting hurt and deceived struck him so much that he could not get to being what he was when he was in love.
This song is a pop single that listeners can connect with, passionately. That encompasses both positive and negative attachment with their loved ones. The buildup of this song goes at a slower pace till it drops down to the bridge with a flow of deliverance. It has repeated choruses and hooks. It is different from usual pop singles due to its variation in music. The guitar and drum beats escalate together into a resentful melody. It tells the listeners a story that was once as soothing as it gets but later turned out to be throbbing.
Hariz is a 25 years old singer who creates abstracts of his life that he experiences through his heartfelt song writings and compositions. He has achieved the “Higher Tier of National Ranking” from the Classical Music Association. His musical single “OVRBRD” made a breakthrough in his career. Hariz is a promising pop artist who has loads of more offer to make to the music industry.

Review by: Peyton Davis