I Rule The World by YME: Review

“I Rule The World” is an inspirational EDM track by Netherlands-based artist Ymkje de Bijl AKA YME. Being an avid fan of positive melodies and uplifting songwriting, I found solace in the singer’s appeal and the song’s cadence. Accompanying it are pulsating synthesizers and a solid beat sequence to keep you hooked.
From all the abundant facets present in “I Rule The World”, the singer’s hopeful voice takes the spotlight. It’s quite effortless to hear and decipher the reflective nature of the track. The tension and theatrics of the melody only amplify as the synthesizers enter the mix. Speaking of which, the synths had a fascinating tone. Blending with Eurobeat and classic 90s pop, the instrumentation of “I Rule The World” was quite infectious in that regard. When songs intertwine with the notion of ambition, an epic melody may form. Even when I write music I attempt to embody optimistic themes into the structure so that anyone who hears it can share a similar belief. The music of YME especially in this specific tune had a similar effect, and I was pretty delighted to grasp its aura.
Analyzing the vocal prowess in “I Rule The World” was a pleasant experience to undertake. The amount of confidence emanating from the artist contributed sensationally to the weighty bass portions of the track. When vocal progressions reach their peak, an equal measure of instrumental strength is required, and YME’s melody plays into that sentiment perfectly.

Photo credits: Colette van der Poel
Review by: Damien Reid