Ivory by Rose White: Review

“Ivory” is a soothing ambient number by Rose White resonant with heartfelt singing and accompanies a pleasant bassline. Her sense of harmony exists within the genre tropes of experimental indie and soul music. The cadence of “Ivory” also involves a gripping acoustic bridge that brings forth a hopeful essence.
Rose White’s composition has equal amounts of charm and grace. From a vocal standpoint, the singer’s clean tone blended beautifully with the minimal rhythm structure. Speaking of minimalism, its subject matter has been causing a wave in the lifestyle community. So much so, that it has made its way to the musical realm as well. Less is better it seems, this is especially true for people who reside in a noisy atmosphere. Some days you just wanna come back home, shut off all the windows, and put on a slow track to take your mind off. “Ivory” is one such track whose ambient outfit is ideal for repelling the audible chaos of traffic. The bass arrangement of the song was easy listening at its finest. With the addition of vocal passages, the melodic essence just melts into a mood.
Returning to the aspect of an acoustic bridge, Ivory’s emotional facet grabs hold when that portion arrives. One minute it’s like swimming in an ocean where the bass reverberates, and the next acoustic chords vibrate as you surface. Rose White’s soulful track will surely strike a chord within you. And I solemnly hope the aforementioned attributes play a key role in your excitement!

Photo credits: Joss Mogli, George Thomas Bell
Review by: Damien Reid