kibbokid releases uplifting new song “Follow the Leader”

The solo project of London-based composer James Wilson-Rhead, kibbokid, brings a terrific rhythmic flow to the scene. The musician combines afrobeat, electronic dance music, and feel-good pop. He oversees the writing, production, keyboards, and vocals departments. The initiative began as an effort to maintain sanity while maintaining a spiritually-detrimental desk job. James would rise at 6 a.m. and compose as much as possible before the daily grind began at 9 a.m.
James recorded the track “Follow the Leader” at his flat in South London. Originally meant to be recorded live with a band and with a recording date set for April 2020, the plan was forced to change. “Follow The Leader” is a progressive protest song against the growing egregious abuse of power by people at the apex of society. The cheery style is an attempt to keep the artist upbeat and optimistic despite the often gloomy circumstances. It is an optimistic look at the ludicrous notion that one individual may have all the answers and remedies to the complex, tumultuous problems of modern life. In an uplifting and, most crucially, danceable style, the song takes aim at individuals who wish to wield authority for their own personal benefit, yet striking some deep veins in current Western civilization.
The artist considers kibbokid to be a means of expressing their thoughts about Britain through storytelling. Tales about British music, politics, and individuals. Some of it is nice, and some are horrible, but it is all genuine. As soon as I heard the energetic cadence of “Follow the Leader” I got serious vibes of entire stadiums chanting the hymn. Something about the fat bass lines and exciting chorus bits charged me to face the challenges of the ongoing week. Check out the song here:

Photo credits: Danny Lowe
Review by: Damien Reid