Little Breaths by GAN: Review

“Little Breaths” is a stellar new-wave-inspired track by GAN. Gan Ganor is an Israeli artist who creates music that pays homage to the classic pop-rock sound of the 80s, especially when the new wave genre was most prominent. Personally, that’s one of my favorite eras in music history, even if took place eons ago. Anyway, GAN’s song “Little Breaths” is dedicated to his firstborn son, and that’s pretty wholesome if you ask me. It has a charming melody filled with colorful synths and a poetic singer at the helm.
GAN is an astounding musician who has truly found his sound. You know how certain aspects just define a person’s being? Well, in “Little Breaths” we get a glimpse of GAN’s melodic outfit where parental themes blend with a gripping rhythm sequence. The result is pretty fascinating, and I felt utterly drawn to the song’s structure. In it, the primary flow is set with fat synthesizers and basslines. Carrying the tempo are slow-paced beats, and a bit of guitar too. The latter bit pertains to classic rock a bit and adds a nice twist to the piece.
The crescendo of “Little Breaths” is an uplifting segment. An electric guitar enters the scene and plays alongside celestial synths. It’s a combination that has a magical presence and is quite wonderful to witness. Without a doubt, that’s how you end a song folks, and GAN channeled that sentiment perfectly!

Photo credits: Itamar Doweck
Review by: Damien Reid