Marry You by I Panic: Review

Marcel van Tetering is a Dutch musician with an astounding talent for alternative rock. He’s the mind behind I Panic, and portrays a sound reminiscent of the 1980s. Particularly the track “Marry You” is his finest work yet, where a captivating piano piece is present along with a touch of romance in its lyrics.
“Marry You” follows the tropes of endearing ballads from the good old days, with a slightly modern twist. For starters, Marcel’s serene voice is the heart of the song and has a contemporary tone on top of the vintage instrumental pieces. Speaking of which, the piano rhythms are at the center of the melody and have a lovely cadence. The technique and clarity of its segments contribute to the gentle nature of “Marry You,” and create an aura worth hearing. Apart from this, subtle guitar chords act as the fillers, along with resonant drums and bass guitars. Altogether the instrumental portion has a lovely synergy that blends with the alternative rock/pop outfit ideally.
The sensation of chart-topping tracks from yesteryear is a frequent topic of discussion I have with my dad and father-in-law quite often. What we all agreed upon was how the production and essence of music from a bygone era reminded us of a much simpler time. In a similar fashion, “Marry You” by I Panic delivers that sentiment, and elegantly too if I may add. The musician’s alternative rock vibe is a bonafide hit, and I’d highly recommend it.

Photo credits: Marcel van Tetering
Review by: Damien Reid