Maybe In Another Lifetime by One Flew Over: Review

“Maybe In Another Lifetime” is a calming pop song by One Flew Over, infused with a sentimental narrative. Everything from the vocals to the rhythm sections has an emotional tone, and it captivates your soul from the very first minute you hit play. The song has an evocative piano section that is joined by a moving cello section too. There’s more though, so without further ado let’s move ahead to capture this sensational track’s essence.
One Flew Over is full of gentle harmonies, starting with their vocals. The intro to “Maybe In Another Lifetime” is endearing and pretty magnetic too. It pulls you in with a soft cadence and puts your heart at ease. The music is truly wonderful especially when the pianos merge with the singer’s ode. Eventually, when the chord transitions take place the track feels more gripping, and even more so when the percussions roll in. A light beat tags along the rhythm and an elegant cello forms a bond with it. The instrumentals feel rich and sophisticated, this is because there’s plenty of depth to One Flew Over’s technique. The artist knew what they were doing, and it’s evident their ideas were perfectly portrayed.
The music biz sure has its fair share of indie-pop artists, but One Flew Over got my attention immediately. Their track “Maybe In Another Lifetime” is enchanting, and I believe everyone will feel a connection with it. That being said, the piece is available for streaming, so don’t miss out!

Review by: Damien Reid