When you desire somebody in the frenzy of a crowded pub—the anticipation, the intrigue, the loud but seemingly effortless conversation in the drunken euphoric state—Sam B-K’s ‘Chase’ seems to have covered it all. The overpowering guitar has worked like a charm to create a catchy rock tune. Listeners are bound to connect with the British singer’s effortless vocals, making the song swamped in a rock or indie trance.
“Chase” finds its musical roots in the rock/indie/punk genres. The song is also heavily inspired by Arctic Monkeys’ “I bet you look good on the Dancefloor” and Killers’ “Somebody told me.” Sam B-K has thoroughly explained through his art what a huge fan he is of these indie bands. The lyrics cleverly tell an enchanting story of a makeshift love affair involving the characters from the abovementioned songs in a very captivating rhythm. Regardless of its heavy punk guitar and tune style, the artist manages to show his range at the end of the song with a low vocal projection.
While it is true that the song and tune themselves offer nothing spectacularly new in an array of newly released songs, the song is still very true to its genre. It is still a song that will make listeners jump into an energetic mania.
Review By: Naomi Joan