Smile by David Peril: Review

David peril has started making new music after taking a 22-year long break and announced his arrival with the new single ‘Smile’. David Peril has drawn comparisons with Radiohead before and ‘Smile’ is from a similar vein with its own characteristics.
‘Smile’ is about David liking how his ex smiled. Although he tried to keep the song upbeat, it is not a song that is going to make you smile mostly because of the chord progressions and the choice of melodies. The chord progressions, vocal delivery, and melodic choices wrap the song in a Radiohead-like gloom. The beat and the delicious harmonies are more suited for a Beatles composition. Merge these contradictory sounds together (Magic!) and you get this unique, captivating song that reaches the core of a listener. The intro sounds very raw (intentionally) with the slightly overdriven guitar sound and vocals but it sounds more polished as other instruments enter. Michael Holcroft, Dan Brown, Alex Kirkpatrick, Angus Kirkpatrick played various instruments in the song but it is David on vocals and rhythm guitars that guided the song with raw feeling and expert singing. David produced the album along with engineer/ drummer Michael Holcroft.
‘Smile’ is one of the twelve tracks David has recorded and intends to release in album form and ‘Smile’ has been selected as the title track. If ‘Smile’ is any indication to go by, it is going to be an awe-inspiring album that listeners should eagerly wait for.

Review by: TMMA