So Far Gone by Eric Anders and Mark O’Bitz: EP Review

Together singer-songwriter Eric Anders from North California, and guitarist-composer Mark O’Bitz from South California work on an extravagant 6-piece dreamscape called “So Far Gone”. The folk-rock album is well organized and thoughtfully produced into a satisfying collection of sonic experiences.
The pair bring something new and exciting to the table with their musical tastes and lyrics, which pack a punch of meaning into each song. The first track, with the album’s matching title, begins with a bluesy acoustic guitar riff. The voices start immediately with a vintage country-style melody. The chorus features a catchy melody, bass, and pad. They have come together to grace the world with many rocking compositions. The music keeps the listener waiting for the drums till the end. Every proceeding song is played in a captivating style. Another title worth mentioning from the album is “Dirty Sun” in which Eric’s voice kicks with a simple, exquisite tune followed by harmonies and continuous and pulsating drums, and a strong bassline. In the final track, emotional depth and depth of character reveal a complete narrative in which both sides of a conflict are presented.
So Far Gone is a truly exceptional piece of art – both melodically and lyrically. It’s a euphoric treat for listeners fond of variations that relies heavily on instrumental arrangements, big, soaring electric guitars, and laid-back percussion beats.

Review by: Audrey Castel