SOLO released groovy new single ‘Something (you don’t need) feat. Nobody’

It’s a song that’s meant to get people moving. With its gloomy melodic lines, which serve as the foundation for a critique of the society of appearance, it also serves to enthrall and inspire reflection.
After the electronic music of ‘Stati emozionali’ and the psychedelia of ‘Don’t shoot the piano player (it’s all in your head)’, SOLO switches gears once more with ‘Something (you don’t need)’, a song that sits somewhere between dream pop, synth pop, and dance. ‘Something (you don’t need)’ had a protracted gestation and even passed through Cosmo’s hands before it was born as a song commissioned for producer Lup Ino.
‘Something (you don’t need)’ is a harsh critique of the appearance-obsessed society that forces us to constantly be aesthetically “perfect,” in accordance with predetermined canons. This pressure results in a gradual loss of one’s individuality, personality, and uniqueness in favor of “aesthetic conformity,” which turns us into copies of one another. This idea is also reflected in the single’s cover art.
The second single from the upcoming album ‘The importance of words’ (songs of love, anti-capitalism, and mental illness) is ‘Something (you don’t need)’, which was entirely recorded by SOLO at The Bordello Rock ‘n’ Roll Studio and mixed and mastered by Edoardo Di Vietri at the Hexagonlab Recording Studio. The first single is ‘Don’t shoot the piano player (it’s all in your head)’.
Check out their new song here!