SOLO releases enthralling new song ‘Propaganda in my eyes, again (you’re erased)’

It is a song that criticizes the consumerist system and the ways in which our culture drives us to hate one another in order to more easily control us and turn us into mindless consumers.
A new song marks a new direction for SOLO, who previously experimented with electronic music with ‘Stati emozionali’, psychedelic rock with ‘Don’t shoot the piano player (it’s all in your head)’, and indie pop with ‘Something (you don’t need)’. Now, SOLO is back with ‘Propaganda in my eyes, again (you’re erased)’, a song of unadulterated primitive grunge rage.
Contrary to the other songs on SOLO, ‘Propaganda in my eyes, again (you’re erased)’ is actually bare-bones, with just guitar, bass, and drums. (If you don’t count a brief “experiment” at the song’s conclusion).
As the song’s title suggests, ‘Propaganda n my eyes again (you’re erased)’ criticizes propaganda of all kinds, both when it is overt and when it is covered up as having good intentions. This propaganda drives us toward factional hatred without giving us the chance to reflect on what we believe we believe and, more importantly, what those who we view as our enemies believe they believe.
Check out their new song here!