The Sun & The Moon by Sam Stokes: Review

“The Sun & The Moon” is a brilliant indie-folk track by Sam Stokes. She really has a way of drawing an audience in with a vocal intensity, and instrumental grit. This terrific musician will enchant you with a narrative that will feel so raw, so integral to the human spirit that you can’t help but root for her success. Thus, that is truly music’s purest essence, and it’s crafted stunningly by Sam Stokes herself.
An acoustic guitar and a soulful singer, turns out that’s all you need to get a crowd going. “The Sun & The Moon” follows through with that regard. But, don’t let these minimal attributes fool you, friend. ‘Cause when Sam starts singing, her performance is astounding, and the energy is sensational. Not many can do that with just their voice. So, this is truly special, and once you hear her tale, complete ecstasy shall fill your senses.
Music and the melodies that accompany it are indeed part of Mother Earth’s treasure trove. Thus, it moves me plenty to hear artists like Sam Stokes creating songs that anyone will cherish. With that said, “The Sun & The Moon” is a fantastic song that is available for streaming, and something you can hear right now. So, go on then ladies and gents, give it a spin!

Review by: Damien Reid