The Survival Code released striking new song ‘For Right, Or Wrong, For Better, Or Worse’

The guys are back with their first release since becoming well-known for their lead song, ‘So Serious’, on their previous album, ‘Crosses To Carry, Coffins To Fill’. The third single from TSC’s 12-singles-in-12-months project, which has seen them release a track every month and create the majority of the videos and content for the release, is titled ‘For Right, Or Wrong, For Better, Or Worse’.
Each single has its own video, which includes studio and live acoustic renditions of the song as well as numerous behind-the-scenes looks at instruments like the guitar and drums. On their YouTube channel or any of their social media accounts, you can view the content for the two worst singles.
The band has created over 140 drawings that exemplify the meanings and lyrics of their songs. These work in tandem with animations made in an effort to find fresh approaches to storytelling.
Check out their new song here!