Time Bomb Season by Butterfly Haus: Album Review

Osaze Akerejah is the stunning artist behind Butterfly Haus, a musical act pursuing alternative hip-hop. Their album “Time Bomb Season” is filled with lovely electronica layers, portraying messages of the soul. Butterfly Haus controls the tempo and flow of this record through introspective lyrics followed by chill instrumental bits. Altogether, it creates an aura worth hearing from start to finish.
Each track on Haus’ album has ambient rhythm sections combined with slow-paced rap sections. It’s pretty intriguing to hear, especially the melodic energy of “One Step Forward Two Steps Back.” The song is accompanied by a classic RnB melody that blends alongside trap beats. In it, a fresh synthesizer piece is active and has an excellent tone. Aside from that, Haus’s ode is quite natural and has a lit essence. Gotta commend the artist for bringing such a passionate sound to the album, such as “Masters and Experts” which features Audie O.P.M. The track has an ambient rhythm, and it’s a soothing number that brings along elements of RnB as well. The latter aspect is brought forth through the vocal lines, and clean guitar chords tagging along with it.
A 1980s-inspired tone is represented in “If and When” featuring Yahzarah. Exceptional rap bars come alive in the song and have a killer vibe, especially when poetry and singing collide with nifty 80s synth. Ultimately, “Time Bomb Season” is a fire album that all fans of hip-hop and RnB would enjoy.

Photo credits: Tommy Rebel, Ron Downes, Kevyn Andres
Review by: Damien Reid