Trying to Be Someone by S J Denney: Review

S J Denney’s music has a rather healing essence tied with it. This is evident with his pleasant song “Trying to Be Someone.” From start to finish, this intriguing pop track will grace your senses and keep you wanting more. The ‘healing’ aspect comes from the clean rhythm sections where soulful guitars and a trumpet make an entrance. But there’s more too, so let’s move ahead and find out more!
A gentle piano begins the soul of the track “Trying to Be Someone.” Afterward, when the vocal sequences initiate, that aura intensifies. I mean why wouldn’t it? Give it a listen, and you’ll figure it out on your own. The music is pretty catchy, and it’s tough not to get into the mix. Each rhythm section blends beautifully, and the arrangement has a certain richness to it. The quality of the production and the cadence itself are delightful. Thus, there’s no going wrong with this one! Also, if we’re being specific about the greatest aspects of the song, then the ending fillers, from the guitar, piano, and trumpet all fit in nicely.
“Trying to Be Someone” is one of those songs that you’ll cherish whenever it comes on. Whether on the radio, or perhaps the YouTube algorithm may even grant you access to such a wonderful song. Thus, don’t miss out on this amazing tune, ladies and gents!

Review by: Damien Reid