In an era where most music is over-processed to appeal to a broader audience, The Flying Beets breaks out of that trend and is like a cold glass of lemonade on a hot summer day for the ears and souls of Indie Rock lovers. Rooted in the city of Fort Worth, USA, The Flying Beets released their newest single, “Villain,” on the 2nd of February 2024. The feel-good song “Villain” is laced with nostalgia for the iconic American rock bands Nirvana and Pear Jam, redefined with touches of their modern alternative rock magic.
Singer, songwriter, and guitarist Nathan Waller opens the song with a catchy yet feel-good melody with his guitar that gets the listener vibing to the rhythm while waiting for the vocals to start. He ends his riff with an echoing strum, and there is a slight pause, which increases listeners’ anticipation before he begins singing the song with his firm, soothing voice. During the song’s chorus, the spotlight is given to the talented drummer, Kenn Scott, and we hear the cymbals of his drums playing continuously combined with bass from David Cross.
“Villain,” a song about hiding one’s pain from being the victim of a one-sided breakup, allows Nathan Waller’s wide vocal range to shine when, throughout the song, he seamlessly changes his tone from a low tempo in the intro to a higher tone with a low tempo, then high prolonged song notes that set a melancholic mood, and, lastly, heavier vocals which will have your head bopping the feeling of melancholia away, which is a stark contrast to his voice at the beginning of the song.
Overall, The Flying Beets will surely attract a large audience with their newest release as it retains the flavors of old American Rock classics, so keep an eye out for future concerts!

Review By: Aria Cohen