We are wild to be sharing our moments with award-winning contemporary singer-songwriter Emily Barker’s latest release emanating with compassion and introspection. Her latest release, “Wild to be Sharing This Moment,” having dropped this Nov 17, journeys us through the fleeting snapshots of life.
The singer-songwriter expertly captures the message with poignant lyricism and evocative melodies. The song unfolds with a suspenseful buildup, adorned with rhythmic drums, clapping, and melodic guitar riffs that set the stage for a rich and immersive musical experience.
Barker’s emerging vocals carry a soft and ethereal touch. They deliver expressive, introspective, and romantic poeticism with a profound sense of storytelling. The strings towards the end enhance the sonic landscape and bring cinematicism to the story.
In the opening verse, Barker observes a multitude of worlds passing by in a train’s window at London’s King’s Cross Station and reflects the individual orbits of people’s lives—each with its unique pain and lullaby. The recurring question, “Isn’t it wild to be sharing this moment?” invites contemplation on the shared experiences and interconnectedness of humanity. These shared moments are significantly impacted against the backdrop of recent tragic events ending the year with much misery, making us wonder how much has humanity developed if they can’t be any kinder.
“Wild to be Sharing This Moment” comments on our shared vulnerability in the face of unforeseen challenges. Through transient encounters and unforeseeable events, Emily Barker’s song resonates and reminds us to be consistently kind and conscientious.

Review By: Naomi Joan
1 comment
Thank you so much Naomi for these beautiful words.