ZER0 by Leonardo Barilaro: Review

Music is a pathway for many individuals who seek an outlet. Now, that outlet might be for stress, creativity, or a means to explain your love for classical music and interplanetary voyages. Thus arrives the sensational Italian Pianist and Aerospace Engineer Leonardo Barilaro. His space-themed musical odyssey “ZER0” is a splendid piece that’ll keep you hooked from the very minute you hit play. Leonardo exhibits impressive skill and cadence while playing his instrument of choice, and each note of the piano feels enriching to hear. The layers are deep and evoke a sense of wonder and magic.
Once the song initiates, we get a glimpse of the galaxy through a soft piano arrangement. Dancing across the Milky Way are starlit notes, personally handcrafted by Leonardo himself. And as we float through endless space, we should expect nothing but silence. Wrong! For, “ZER0” is the soundtrack to your science fiction plans, and it arrives in a lovely classical format, played by a virtuoso who shows us what music is all about.
Apart from the poetic aspects of the track, let’s talk about what made it stand out, shall we? It’s when the crescendo hits. Leonardo goes on a full rampage of piano notes, all played out in a frenzy and emitting a wave of timbres in a way he knows best. It is then and there that we are throttled into space, a million light years away, into infinity, and beyond!

Review by: Damien Reid