Todd Duane released breathtaking new song ‘Forgive me’

Todd Duane recently released beautiful new song titled ‘Forgive me’. In the gospel of Matthew, Todd Duane examines the truth and reality of the Sacrament of Penance as it was instituted by Jesus Christ. According to Matthew 16:18, Peter will be the cornerstone of Jesus’ church. He will be given the power to bind and loose people on earth, and the exercise of that power will be validated in heaven (Mt 16:19). Giving authoritative instruction is one of the many meanings associated with the metaphor of binding and loosing. Following Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of the Living God (Mt 16:16), which was the result of revelation from the heavenly Father, this promise is made to him. Unless the Holy Spirit extends the grace for which it has been asked, these words are challenging to accept. Sharing the love that has been given but isn’t always revealed to oneself is what spreading the message and giving gifts really amounts to. Todd is sharing what has been shared with him using the gifts of the Holy Spirit. If you like, you could say that an electric “Harp” is supporting the words. a timeless message that speaks truth to power.
Check out his new song here!