Astrology by Anders Jörnesten: Review

Swedish artist Anders Jörnesten draws influence from folk, country, and Americana for his debut album, ‘Astrology’.The album consists of 10 songs, each is a polished track full of vibrant vocals from Jörnesten. Most of the instrumentation is from the acoustic guitar, the rhythm sections are great, and there are some bluesy lead guitar portions as well. The lyrical themes delves deep into complex human experiences, such as feeling isolated in a crowded world and longing to leave behind a beloved place.
Jörnesten’s composed incredible music for his debut album. What a way to start, bravo! Every track is a warm acoustic ode, and there is no percussion involved. I’d like to categorize his musical genre as ‘cozy music’. The type of melodies, you’d love to enjoy in a starry night sky with a glass of wine and a couple of friends. Jörnesten’s singing scale is baritone, and he applies a lot of breathing in his voice. As for his guitar playing, he mostly strums chords, does beautiful plucking, and plays some fun fillers here and there. The transitions are easy to listen to, and his finger-style playing is really soothing. Each song follows almost the same structure, and it’s best listened to in one go.
As there are clear influences of Folk and Country music, Jörnesten managed to create his own unique sound. This sound, for me, was very soft and personal. It almost felt like a friend was singing the music, and he knew what I wanted to hear. The artist has a very deep, and mellow voice that is quite relaxing to hear. Thus, his tone fits rather well with the richness of the acoustic guitar.

Photo credits: Rikard Jörnesten
Review by: Damien Reid