Before Noon by Pete Asshill: Review

“Before Noon” is a charming classic rock piece by Pete Asshill. The musician incorporates electrifying solos and a deep baritone voice into the song, ultimately giving it a traditional blues rock outfit. Thus, if you’re a fan of the aforementioned genres, “Before Noon” should be right up your alley.
The tune’s introduction makes a solid impression. A satisfying electric guitar solo enters the scene, and a poetic singer follows through. The synergy is swift and does not shy away from a bold melody, but rather gives a passionate effort into making the sound pop out. Aside from that, there’s an intriguing darkness to the tune that has a chilling vibe. Its strength comes from its melodic pattern, and the whole thing has a nice ring to it. Moreover, the vocalist is on another level. Their singing technique leans a bit towards spoken word, albeit with a tinge of blues rock. With the addition of a baritone voice, the poetic aspects are much more effective and overflow alongside a narrative worth hearing. At times the cadence has a storytelling mechanic, and at other times a classic rock groove is present. In both scenarios, Pete’s musical stance is impressive.
Hearing Pete’s track “Before Noon”, especially the guitar solo parts, motivated me to rock out on my trusty instrument more often. Although the taste of rock and roll never left me, it certainly got a boost from hearing this powerful song.

Review by: Damien Reid