Boathouse by Flatfoot Sam: Review
You know the party’s gonna be lit when a heavy-hitting bass drops with an angelic verse. I started bobbing my head to the sound of ‘Boathouse’ by Flatfoot Sam. I enjoy surprises you guys, I’ll tell you that. Whether it’s wrapped in a gift basket or presented to me with a Spotify link, either way, surprises are awesome. And just when I thought I couldn’t get any surprised with the synth bass and electronica vibes. A woman reaches out from in between the melody and sings in a foreign language, and my mind just blew up. Afterward, a very energetic brother joins in on the fun of singing, and he also sings in a foreign tongue. I tell you, and I kid you not, it all sounds refreshing, because music like this is tough to come by.
Flatfoot Sam is represented by a solo artist who digitally produces music on a computer. It’s as simple as that, but man does the person have skills! ‘Boathouse’ is very spiritual, and soulful, but a fire-lit track all at the same time. It manages to sound equally graceful with the echoing vocals, and equally fierce with the thumping bass line and beats.
I believe great things await this artist. This is because art like this will never go unnoticed. And once noticed by the large masses, the melody cannot escape the listener’s mind. Flatfoot Sam, I’ve got nothing but respect and admiration for you, keep it up. Darn, the song’s over! Let me put it on repeat.
Review by: Damien Reid