Bring Me Flowers by Eva No: Review

Eva Nordell AKA Eva No, is a talented musician who’ll capture your heart. Her delightful pop song “Bring Me Flowers” is a combination of romantic lyricism and jazzy rhythm sections. Once you hear the tune, you’ll immediately grasp its cadence. Thus, it’s a stellar melody to enjoy all the time.
With a groovy drum roll and slick bass slides, we were off to a great start. “Bring Me Flowers” has a catchy entry, and it elevates further once Eva starts singing and the crescendo arises. Her voice is smooth, and she expresses each line with grace and charm. I admire a musician who does that and brings passion to the forefront while singing. It’s a strong indicator that their heart and soul are on track, and all the focus is directed at it. This is why “Bring Me Flowers” sounds the way it does, particularly because of its jazzy allure and clean pop timbres. Furthermore, as the song progresses, a sudden key change takes place and the entire rhythm is transformed. It was pretty cool I’ve gotta say, and has elements of jazz written all over it.
I just love a good bassline, and “Bring Me Flowers” by Eva No has plenty of it. It keeps a groovy pace, and one could easily sway to it. So, if you’re seeking a track to dance with your partner, this just might be it! Do give this fantastic song a listen, it’s quite impressive.

Review by: Damien Reid