In their enchanting album “Cascadia,” the trio of Amanda Fata, Sarah Murphy, and Nathan Schultz, collectively known as Vanstones, deliver a harmonious blend of folk, world music, and rock influences. With a unique ensemble of talents, their music carries an irresistible allure, encompassing rich and warm vocals sung in a force of softly strummed acoustic instrumentation with moments of electric guitar-driven euphoria bringing a friendly dynamism to the house.
The album is a tribute to the synergy of the three musicians’ distinct abilities. Nathan Schultz’s frolicking acoustic fingerpicking lays the foundation for the instrumentation. At the same time, Amanda Fata’s vibrant world percussion adds a global dimension, infusing the tracks with rich textures that transcend cultural boundaries. As the acoustic guitar and percussion interact, they create an inviting and homely atmosphere. Sarah Murphy’s soulful guitar levitating in the wind weaves the melodies together, lending each song its emotional core.
One of the standout tracks, “Where She Is,” showcases the trio’s versatility. With a female-dominant raspy and husky vocal arrangement, the song delves into a mellow exploration of emotions.
“With You (California)” concludes the album with a folksy dance tune, opening with high and friendly male vocals that instantly draw you in. As the song progresses, the female voice joins the rhythm, giving the song more dimension and tonality.
Produced, tracked, and mixed by Jim Holland at Green Needle Studios in Whitehorse, Yukon, “Cascadia” exudes a sense of place and belonging.
Review By: Naomi Joan