Elevate on a cosmic exploration of love and emotive melodies through “Dark Matter” with Isabelle Lavalle. Once you click play, you will be bound by a wall of atmospheric synth flickered with bubbles of sound as though you are floating across the air as you are falling out of your senses and feeling happy. It’s an incredibly numbing and intense experience, and it makes you want to feel that more and more as you immerse yourself in the world of Isabelle Lavalle.
How it came to be this effortlessly emotive and heartfelt is no mystery or surprise. It’s talent combined with effort. But there’s more. There’s the imagination and manifestation of a connection being turned into music. Isabelle converts her imagery into a darkness hidden deep within us. And how it came to be explored and expressed through synths and her voice, dulcetly pronouncing the perception with a delicacy and euphonious lure.
The alternative pop song strips off additional elements and instead lets Isabelle’s vocals come upfront to allow her delicacy to be felt, almost touched and tasted. The electronic musical background helps create a sonic field where the music absorbs us into a hypnotized realm, which allows Isabelle to reach our ears with the right frequency. It’s amazing how sound can move us to parallel ground with a certain dark matter that Isabelle sings of.
If you love genuine artistry with evocative emotions sung into a song, listen to “Dark Matter” by Isabelle Lavalle.

Review By: Naomi Joan