“Degrees of Freedom” by Clash Valian, the creative venture of Greg Merrell, emerges as a daring exploration into the vast expanse of human emotion and experience through music. This ambitious 21-track album weaves a narrative that stretches from the raw edges of rock to the serene whispers of ethereal pop and into the comforting embrace of lounge music.
It does all that while maintaining a cohesive identity that is as unique as it is diverse. Merrell’s decision to play over 20 instruments across these tracks, all self-written and recorded, underscores a profound level of craftsmanship and dedication to his art.
The album’s thematic scope is as wide-ranging as its musical influences. Tracks like “Brokkr” delve into the rich history of Norse mythology with a modern twist. At the same time, “Moonlander” captures the emotional turmoil of space exploration—the longing for home juxtaposed with the allure of the unknown.
“Dragon’s Backbone” offers a fascinating blend of languages and cultural motifs, singing in both English and Mandarin to symbolize the crossing of linguistic and cultural barriers, embodying themes of resilience and unity.
Merrell’s Clash Valian project does not shy away from confronting the darker aspects of the human condition. With songs such as “High” and “Empty Riot,” It tackles subjects such as heartache, the toxicity of corporate environments, the highs of escapism, and the mental tolls endured in extreme circumstances.
These themes are threaded together by Merrell’s introspective and often philosophical approach to songwriting, which invites listeners on a journey that is as thought-provoking as it is emotionally resonant.
“Degrees of Freedom” stands out not just for its ambitious scope or the technical prowess of its creator but for its ability to connect with listeners on a deeply human level.
Go listen to “Degrees of Freedom.” You won’t regret it!
Review by Ryan Anderson