Elsewhere by Backyard Neighbor: Review

Ambient artist Backyard Neighbor will relax you with “Elsewhere.” It’s a pleasantly constructed piece that the musician put a lot of care into making. You can hear it with each passing wave, where a soothing melody forms. Ultimately, it’s almost like a lullaby that calms your worries and assures you that everything’s all right.
Meditation and music go hand in hand, and “Elsewhere” is a song that stays true to that nature. As soon as I hit play, my soul felt at ease, and the peace was just what I needed. Ever wonder if life just gets to you and nothing goes your way, even after you’ve done all you could? Well, it can be tragic sometimes, and a chill melody can take your mind off of it. Try giving Backyard Neighbor’s music a shot, and you’ll see what I mean. Right, so inside the cadence of their track “Elsewhere,” a drone-like synthesizer plays out over faded vocals. The result has such a vibe and hits all the right tones for a resonant sound. That is the whole purpose of ambient, or even lo-fi, to generate an atmosphere in which any musician can find solace.
“Elsewhere” is hands down my favorite ambient piece of recent times. Coming across a sea of artists who follow such patterns truly makes my job what it is, yet once in a while something special pops up, and it’s tough to ignore its charm. Just like Backyard Neighbor’s cool number!

Review by: Damien Reid