Empty Spaces by parjam parsi: Album Review

The piano has always fascinated me. Something about the instrument’s grace and clean sound resonated with my soul, and artists such as parjam parsi never cease to amaze me in that same way. His chilling album “Empty Spaces” encompasses melodies with plenty of heart, and delivers a truly spiritual tone within his playstyle. The way each piano note connects from the mind of parjam is delightful to hear, and it’s something I urge everyone to get into.
A woeful tale is perceived within the album, and parjam’s instrumental imagery brings the essence of it alive. The narrative is about a man mourning his beloved, and it’s something parsi conjured up in 2016. Thus, each track embodies a weight that carries that aura around. Songs such as “The Pulse of the City” and “Sudden” create an atmosphere where your heart just sinks into a sea of sentiment, and you’re swimming in that melancholy without a wasted breath. The piano verses and stringed arrangements are beautiful to hear and add to the perception of the album. “The Grey Melodies I & II” are two fantastic pieces that are guaranteed to move you. This is because of the ambient nature of the tracks which are calming to hear and reminiscent of vintage piano scores.
“The Dreams We Chase” is a hopeful number in the album. A gentle air is around the symphonies and piano sections and a cheerful vibe is formed. Parjam exits with “Nothing to Be Said”, here the notes have more flow with a spark of romance in the tone.

Review by: Damien Reid