Forty Seasons by Robby and The Secret: Review

“Forty Seasons” is a passionate melody crafted by Robby and The Secret. The track follows a gentle tempo and conforms to the soft rock/blues genre. In it, a pleasant instrumental portion exists, that blends sensationally with the narrative. Speaking of which, the singer gives us a performance we’ll remember for a lifetime. This is because the tale being told has plenty of personality, and draws you in with each verse.
Robby and The Secret make certain that the music stays original and immersive. This aspect is brought on strongly through breathtaking songwriting and a stellar melody keeping it all together. Within its structure, an ensemble of organs, drums, guitars, and basslines make up the rhythm. Thus, in its entirety, the soundscape is pretty thrilling and manages to excite you without raising the tempo. It stays on this clean and slow-paced theme and doesn’t really sway away from this approach. Thus, the consistency of the track “Forty Seasons” is its strongest attribute, and I’m sure you all will enjoy that bit just the same.
As moving as electric guitar solos go, “Forty Seasons” by Robby and The Secret takes the prize. That sequence of notes, and the phrasing was lovely to hear! That being said, the song itself is a wonder and should be on everyone’s radar.

Review by: Damien Reid