Freak Out and Leave by Bingo Boys: Album Review

Imagine your back in the golden era of punk and garage rock, at the zenith of 20th-century rock. Whether it’s The Who era of the 60s or the late 90s Green Day era, both are epic periods in rock and roll history. Guess what, that essence is still alive and kicking with today’s rockers Bingo Boys and their thrilling punk\garage rock album “Freak Out and Leave.”
Each track of this bonafide album is jam-packed with the energy and excitement of rock. From the thunderous guitar riffs of “Sick Thing,” to the explosive drums on “Still Awhile” you’ll feel exhilarated with musical grit, and boy is it an exciting time to be alive for it. Bingo Boys ensure that the melody stays intact, and punk rock is represented properly. Imagine sold-out tickets at your favorite bar on Friday Night, and the boys are at it with energetic tracks like “Fake It” and “Relief.” Suddenly people are drinking their minds away, and jumping in a frenzy all to the excitement of punk rock.
Bingo Boys show us how it’s done with their soulful music and rebellious songwriting. Their melodies enliven your soul and demand another round all the while. That being said, do check out their energetic album “Freak Out and Leave.”

Review by: Damien Reid