Fabbro di Chiavi, the musical moniker of guitarist, composer, and aerospace engineer Marco Pellizzari, shows us the “Future” of dynamic, ambient music in shades of rock in his latest single released this March 22. Collaborating with keyboarder Carlo Vianelli and drummer Davide Zanella and infusing their impeccable synergy as old friends, Fabbro di Chiavi delivers a captivating blend of rock music that is both melodically soothing and emotionally resonant.
The song unfolds with a gentle and serene guitar melody, its steely strings echoing and plucking with calm anticipation. It doesn’t stay this way for long as the guitars take on a gritty edge, driving the song forward with slithering, bending, and grinding riffs, pulling us in like the ebbing and flowing notes of a voice. The drums enter with a powerful force, pounding down with strong beats that crescendo into a climactic moment. They are punctuated by splashing cymbals that give the sound sharpness and cut through with sparkly tears.
Fabbro di Chiavi’s “Future” exemplifies how rock music can transcend mere entertainment to evoke profound emotional responses. The song’s melodic beauty coupled with its dynamic energy creates a listening experience that is both invigorating and cathartic.
This single goes more gentler on your ears than its preceding record, “Intangible Part I.” The aerospace engineer rolls into the “Future” with his upcoming record, “Intangible Part II.”
It’s not every day we see an aerospace engineer making music—this good. So stay tuned and expect more guitar-driven progressive metal compositions ahead with orchestral film scores combined.

Review By: Naomi Joan