Pop artist and singer-songwriter Landon Ward is here to reignite love in our souls with his newest song, “Go Back.”
The opening dreamy guitar tunes introduce a reverie, slowly coming to the front in the same way we awaken memories from the past. With atmospheric waves heaving onto the song, we are already doused in a feverish dream. Then, like a gentle wave, Landon’s deep and gorgeous male voice washes over you. Following that, the beats pulsate and throb over the melodies his husky appeal.
As the beats grow heavier, Landon’s voice remains smooth and relaxed. He delivers with profound romanticism and sweetness in his voice. Before we know it, we too are desiring our past lovers and cherishing the fond memories.
The pop artist sure knows how to make his listeners feel things. It’s this relatability in his message and the ability to make us want something is what makes us connect to his music and even get attached. But more than that, he sings of a subject that’s been sung many times over but he does in a refreshing way. “Go Back” is reverberating, catchy, immersive, sincere, and throbbing with the ache of love.
Whether you’re in the mood for a contemplative journey down memory lane or simply appreciate skillful songcraft, “Go Back” is a track worth experiencing.

Review By: Naomi Joan