Gone by Zak Robinson: Review

A riveting piano melody takes charge in “Gone” by Zak Robinson. There’s an incredible amount of emotion and poetic attribute present in the song, which I hope will resonate with anyone seeking a heartfelt tune.
The melodic elements of “Gone” embody such a heavy essence. The emotion and drive behind it was enthralling, quite more so as the singer poured their heart out on each section. In terms of instrumentation, the piano pieces were marvelous primarily due to the dark-pop progression. Simply put, each note carried a weight of drama and was imbued with a theme of tragedy. Last week, I paid a visit to my local music store just to see something that sparked my intrigue. It’s a fairly large space filled with a plethora of guitars mostly. But in the corner sat a lonely (and darn expensive one at that) piano. I’ve always envisioned an individual positioning themselves in that same lonesome corner and playing a lovely sequence that turns heads. This anecdote from my own experience was channeled in some way while hearing Zak’s song. Aside from that, there’s a brilliant amount of chemistry between the singer and the instrumentation.
The piano portions had a deep resonance. Yet, was not overshadowed in particular segments where harmonies enter and the singer goes into a high-pitched frenzy. In the song’s exit, the tempo slows down and the emotions hang on for one last melody.

Review by: Damien Reid